
Data from
The Mizuumi wiki!

Special moves

fbSpin!236 A/B/CA ground ground, B ground air
dpPulverize!623 A/B/Clow
tatsuThrust!214 A/B/CA close, B far
setThrust!(charged)214 [A/B]button hold and release for a 2nd hit
launchLaunch!22 A/B/Cplus frames :p
cgrabGive Me That!hcb Cdrain life, switch side

Frame data

buttonstartupactiverecoveryon blocklevelnote
3B8323-6highAAf7-10, launcher, OS with 9C (jc on hit, 5C on block)
6BB-715+3highon block uses all dissolve and does not brind the opponent closer
5C15324-9highbad in neutral, can get jumped
6C13323-8highmeh, useful against merkava (reaches high)
6[C]27328-11midgreat, charge bubble at f14, 13f to react
3C15520-9highgreat, AAf11-16, cancel into Alaunch/B has a gap, can get dp-ed
3[C]20520-7highgreat,AAf17-21, wall bounce, Blaunch or Ctatsu on hit
jA822land?midassault jA CS jB ~combo
jB1032land?midair to air, assault peak jB (whiff) empty 2B
j6B211210land?midAA bait move, key move in assault combos
j6BB-79land?midcan convert into combo on hit, but might want to just land and pick up j6B
jC121,14land?highair to ground
j[C]251,24land?highcan setup empty lows, giant hitbox
66B10315-4highblowback on hit, tons of untech against airborne
66C18419-5highmeh, useful against merkava
groundFF15 (12 vo)324-5high
airFF15 (12 vo)319+1high
throw4122heals, enough time to 214X 6B+C ]X[ pressure
guardcancel15526-12highmight have to use at times
VO21 to 69237-13high
fb34--infhighblood pools turn into blades that OTG
Adp18612-4lowAAf15-23, blood pools turn into arc attack (from pool toward carmine)
Bdp11618-10lowAAf5-16, use in neutral for blood pool launch combo
Cdp131219-12highinvul (7f, finishes before active)
Atatsu132(9)724-2high(air unblockable), ok frame data on block
Btatsu142(13)727-5high(air unblockable), goes farther than A, less safe
Ctatsu16836+6highthrow invul, if close to the opponent will go the other side
Aset31518-1highdisappears on hit, can chase down with B+C but cannot throw
Bset31517-1higha tad bit further than A, cannot move the pool but can throw, can juggle the charge between B and C buttons
set release203-+28high
Blaunch18325+1lowa bit further than A
Claunch16324+2lowair unblockable
cgrab10236-full invincible, switch side, worse oki than throw


Mid Screen

0% Meter

Assault Starters

can use Afb OTG combos on counterhit or grd break.

5A or 5B Starters
5B Starters (max range)

5BB first B whiffs

3B Starters

This is a good confirm combo if you catch the opponent during their pre-jump frames. The third combo is an anti-air confirm combo. All of these combos are easy to confirm into if you utilize the 9C option select mentioned under 3B. Some character require you to put a slight dl between the 2B OTG, and 2C.

2A Starters
2B Starters
2C Starters
6[C] Overhead Starters (no dissolve)
Afb/B Starters
Adp Starters

0% Meter Side Switch

5A or 5B Starters

0% Meter (Dissolve)

Assault Starters
5B Starters
3C Starters
6[C] Overhead Starters
Afb/B Starters

standard fb pickup combo

Adp/B Starters

when pool below or under the opponent

214[X] Starters

combos with A/Bset in place.

0% Meter Side Switch (Dissolve)

5A or 5B Starters
3C Starters

100% Meter

5B Starters
6B Starters
2C Starters
6[C] Overhead Starters

great combo, 66C will whiff in the corner

Ctatsu Starters
Claunch starter

100% Meter Side Switch

cgrab Starters

setup for dissolve:

2C Starters

Remember, if you're too close to the corner the 66C ender will whiff.

200% Combos

Assault Starters

nj6B is required so that VO does not hit during Cfb (or else IW does not connect)

5B Starters


0% Meter

Assault Starters


5B Starters
2C Starters
3C Starters
3B Starters
6[C] Overhead Starters
236X Starters

3C hits just as Xfb ends so that leaves a dissolve for Adp to launch

0% Meter (Dissolve)

5A/B Starters
2C Starters
6[C] Overhead Starters
236X Starters
Xset Starters

100% Meter

Assault Starters
6[C] Overhead Starters

Time the the first nj[C] during the descent of Carmine's jump. This allows you to land first and get the OTG from Aset. The second nj[C] should have the C charged during Carmine's ascent so that it hits at the peak of his jump.

236X Starters

236X needs to hit grounded

200% Meter

Assault Starters
5B Starters
Adp Starters

100-200% Meter Side Switch

Ctatsu Starters
cgrab Starters